Monday, September 3, 2007


Rumor has it that a movement in Rome has begun to try and eradicate Christians. A ripple ran through our gathering tonight when one of the elders mentioned it... some began to panic and dread a terrible fate like some of the incidents we have heard of... like when Stephen was killed by Jewish zealots... a story the Apostle Paul was witness too... except this time its on a much wider scale. The news came from Ostia Antica that in Rome that some Christians have been disappearing in the streets. Some of the older ladies like Maura in the congregation began fretting and trying to quiet the more outspoken youths. One even grabbed me by my hands and began to earnestly plead that if I were ever to be caught, not to reveal the meeting place or names of our small congregation in Pitigliano. At this, I was horrified... should we hide behind the faith of our fathers, should we cower beneath our Jewish heritage and renounce the freedom we have in Christ?

The woman held my wrists so tightly that I couldn't move from my seat. I looked over to Eleazar, my friend who is bold in the faith and dares to question the rabbis. He saw my distress and stood to his feet. A hush fell over the group and many looked ashamed, even the older ones. We Jews are hearty survivors, but as Christians, we do not compromise the truth to appease even our greatest tormentors. Brother Timothy, when he accompanied Paul, reminded us of what Jesus Himself told the Apostles: that they would face troubles in this world for His name's sake. Eleazar exhorted the group as Moses had Joshua to be of good courage, for we have assurance of the Lord's favor. We have been delivered from so much, from bondage to a law that could only redeem our souls if followed to perfection... which no man has ever done aside from Christ. In Christ's fulfillment of the Law and our identity being found in Him, we have a greater grace than our fathers.

I am not known for my speaking in the congregation. I am the only young woman in our small party who is not married or betrothed... the other single girls are too afraid of losing their opportunities for a respected husband in the community. They sacrifice their souls for those marriages. I have heard that the Apostle Paul writes many letters to the churches he visits. I should very much like to read those letters. Perhaps if
I am called away some day I can encourage my own community too through letters. My Father has always spoken of celebrating passover in Jerusalem... he heard tales of its glory from his grandfather, and wants to see it before it is spoiled by the Romans. My father has lost his hope in God and relies on his righteous acts and business to get him by in this world. He is a good man, but he does not know God. The bread will burn if I write any more!

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